Citizen Survey Gives High Scores to O’Fallon
O'Fallon Just Keeps Getting Better and Better
Ranked Similar or Higher Than Other Communities 98% of the Time
Citizen Survey Gives High Scores to O’Fallon
O'Fallon Just Keeps Getting Better and Better
Ranked Similar or Higher Than Other Communities 98% of the Time

The recently completed National Citizens Survey, performed by the National Research Center, randomly selects 1,500 O’Fallon residents and asks them questions about their community.
The entire survey results are available on the City’s website at
Out of the 130 categories that were surveyed, O’Fallon was ranked similar or higher than comparison communities 98% of the time.
There were nearly two-dozen categories where the City received its highest ratings ever. Not only did we see the highest scores ever in these categories, but those on the list below were 6-11% higher than they have ever been before! Those categories were:
- Economic Development
- Shopping Opportunities
- City Acting in the Best Interest of Its Citizens
- Attending a City-Sponsored Event
- Storm Drainage
- Health Services
- Mental Health Care
- Preventative Health Services
- Confidence in City Government
- Perceived Honesty by the City Government
The Citizen’s Survey is reaffirmation that the residents of O’Fallon enjoy living in this community. Over 90% of participants in the survey said that O’Fallon is a good or excellent place to live.